Baby Photos....
Janice and Susan, over at Five Minutes for Mom came up with this photo sharing idea. The idea is for everyone to post a favorite baby photo and describe what it is about the photo that makes it so special. So here is one of my favorite baby photos:

As a photographer I could critique this photo to death. It is not centered, the lighting is bad and the background sucks. But I don't care. Whenever I look at this photo (and it is framed in my living room) I smile. In this photo I managed to catch little faith looking straight at the camera, with a look of pure happiness on her face and that is why I love, love, love this photo....
What a cutie! Thanks for stopping by!
Well ya can't HELP but giggle looking at that happy face!
Thanks for stopping it at my site too!
I hear you, we are our own worst critics...(photographers I mean).
But this photo is so adorable!
Thanks for coming over to visit my site. And thanks for the comment.
The fact that you got such a wonderful smile out of her is reason to be proud. She looks like such a happy baby! I would smile everytime I saw it, too!
Here via 5 Minutes for Mom.
Awwww, I do love it, I'm always critiquing mine as well..... so cute!
Her smile is so engaging and her eyes are so alive that you don't even notice the background! Great job capturing such a happy moment!
WOW...that's a GREAT shot, no matter what's wrong with it, the subject is JUST perfect and amazing!!!
Oh, how cute is she! She put a smile on my face too. Pictures that bring a smile to your face each time you look at them are by far the best photos.
Her happiness shows! What a great photo! Thanks for sharing!
What a gorgeous, gorgeous little girl!
That is an infectious picture.
You can't help catch a smile from it.
That's a really nice photo, she really does have a gorgeously cute smile. :)
What a cutie...all girls. Just what I wanted when I was a young mom. 4 girls. But God knew best and gave me a son and two girls...but now I have 5 granddaughters and 2 grandsons so I think I have plenty!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...I am sorry that grinning pig was kind of scary. He is supposed to be animated and keep grinning but it does not work right on my blog and I am not talented enough to make it work...
Little Faith looks like she is happiest little girl in all the whole world.
Have you lost your mind,
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